Primary color 900 : Color is an important part of any brand identity system. Name the colors something interesting and define their Pantone, RGB, hexadecimal, or CMYK values as necessary.
Color Trends tend to last seven years.
No matter the budget, all identity elements will eventually need to be rendered in black. It is always preferable that this can be done without screens, tints or tones.
Head of secondary color 300
Subhead in the tertiary color 400
Primary color 100 : Color is an important part of any brand identity system. Name the colors something interesting and define their Pantone, RGB, hexadecimal, or CMYK values as necessary.
Color Trends tend to last seven years.
No matter the budget, all identity elements will eventually need to be rendered in black. It is always preferable that this can be done without screens, tints or tones.